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47) Sūrat Muĥammad

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47) سُورَة مُحَمَّد

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Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Wa Şaddū `An Sabīli Allāhi 'Ađalla 'A`mālahum (Muĥammad: 1). 047.001 Those who reject God and hinder (men) from the Path of God,- their deeds will God render astray (from their mark). ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا ‌وَ‍‍صَ‍‍دُّ‌وا عَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ سَب‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍لِ ‌اللَّ‍‍هِ ‌أَ‍ضَ‍‍لَّ ‌أَعْمَالَهُمْ
Wa Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Wa 'Āmanū Bimā Nuzzila `Alá Muĥammadin Wa Huwa Al-Ĥaqqu Min Rabbihim ۙ Kaffara `Anhum Sayyi'ātihim Wa 'Aşlaĥa Bālahum (Muĥammad: 2). 047.002 But those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and believe in the (Revelation) sent down to Muhammad - for it is the Truth from their Lord,- He will remove from them their ills and improve their condition. وَ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُوا ‌وَعَمِلُوا ‌ال‍‍‍‍‍صَّ‍‍الِح‍‍َاتِ ‌وَ‌آمَنُوا بِمَا‌ نُزِّلَ عَلَى‌ مُحَ‍‍مَّ‍‍د‌ٍ ‌وَهُوَ ‌الْحَ‍‍قُّ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ ‌‍رَبِّهِمْ ۙ كَفَّ‍رَ‌ عَ‍‌‍نْ‍‍هُمْ سَيِّئ‍‍َ‍‍اتِهِمْ ‌وَ‌أَ‍صْ‍‍لَحَ بَالَهُمْ
Dhālika Bi'anna Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Attaba`ū Al-Bāţila Wa 'Anna Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Attaba`ū Al-Ĥaqqa Min Rabbihim ۚ Kadhālika Yađribu Allāhu Lilnnāsi 'Amthālahum (Muĥammad: 3). 047.003 This because those who reject God follow vanities, while those who believe follow the Truth from their Lord: Thus does God set forth for men their lessons by similitudes. ذَلِكَ بِأَنّ‌َ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا ‌اتَّبَعُوا ‌الْبَا‍‍طِ‍‍لَ ‌وَ‌أَنّ‌َ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُوا ‌اتَّبَعُوا ‌الْحَ‍‍قَّ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ ‌‍رَبِّهِمْ ۚ كَذَلِكَ يَ‍‍ضْ‍‍رِبُ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ لِل‍‍نّ‍‍َاسِ ‌أَمْثَالَهُمْ
Fa'idhā Laqītumu Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Fađarba Ar-Riqābi Ĥattá 'Idhā 'Athkhantumūhum Fashuddū Al-Wathāqa Fa'immā Mannāan Ba`du Wa 'Immā Fidā'an Ĥattá Tađa`a Al-Ĥarbu 'Awzāraۚ Dhālika Wa Law Yashā'u Allāhu Lāntaşara Minhum Wa Lakin Liyabluwa Ba`đakum Biba`đin ۗ Wa Al-Ladhīna Qutilū Fī Sabīli Allāhi Falan Yuđilla 'A`mālahum (Muĥammad: 4). 047.004 Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been God's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of God,- He will never let their deeds be lost. فَإِ‌ذ‌ا‌ لَ‍‍‍‍قِ‍‍يتُمُ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا فَ‍‍ضَ‍‍رْبَ ‌ال‍‍رِّ‍‍قَ‍ابِ حَتَّ‍‍ى إِ‌ذَ‌ا أَثْ‍‍خَ‍‍‌‍ن‍‍تُمُوهُمْ فَشُدُّ‌وا ‌الْوَث‍‍َاقَ فَإِمَّ‍‍ا‌ مَ‍‍نّ‍‍اً بَعْدُ وَ‌إِمَّ‍‍ا‌ فِد‍َ‌اءً‌ حَتَّى‌ تَ‍‍ضَ‍‍عَ ‌الْحَرْبُ ‌أَ‌وْ‌زَ‌ا‌‍رَهَا‌ ۚ ‌ذَلِكَ ‌وَلَوْ‌ يَش‍‍َا‌ءُ‌ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ لاَ‌ن‍‍تَ‍‍صَ‍رَ‌ مِ‍‌‍نْ‍‍هُمْ ‌وَلَكِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ لِيَ‍‍بْ‍‍لُوَ‌ بَعْ‍‍ضَ‍‍كُمْ بِبَعْ‍‍ضٍ ۗ ‌وَ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ قُ‍‍تِلُوا فِي سَب‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍لِ ‌اللَّ‍‍هِ فَلَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يُ‍‍ضِ‍‍لَّ ‌أَعْمَالَهُمْ
Sayahdīhim Wa Yuşliĥu Bālahum (Muĥammad: 5). 047.005 Soon will He guide them and improve their condition, سَيَهْدِيهِمْ ‌وَيُ‍‍‍‍صْ‍‍لِحُ بَالَهُمْ
Wa Yudkhiluhumu Al-Jannata `Arrafahā Lahum (Muĥammad: 6). 047.006 And admit them to the Garden which He has announced for them. وَيُ‍‍دْ‍‍‍‍خِ‍‍لُهُمُ ‌الْجَ‍‍نَّ‍‍ةَ عَ‍رَّفَهَا‌ لَهُمْ
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū 'In Tanşurū Allaha Yanşurkum Wa Yuthabbit 'Aqdāmakum (Muĥammad: 7). 047.007 O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) God, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly. ي‍‍َا‌أَيُّهَا‌ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُ‍‍وا ‌إِ‌ن‌ْ تَ‍‌‍ن‍‍‍‍‍صُ‍‍رُ‌وا ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ يَ‍‌‍ن‍‍صُ‍‍رْكُمْ ‌وَيُثَبِّتْ ‌أَ‍قْ‍‍‍‍دَ‌امَكُمْ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Fata`sāan Lahum Wa 'Ađalla 'A`mālahum (Muĥammad: 8). 047.008 But those who reject (God),- for them is destruction, and (God) will render their deeds astray (from their mark). وَ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا فَتَعْساً لَهُمْ ‌وَ‌أَ‍‍ضَ‍‍لَّ ‌أَعْمَالَهُمْ
Dhālika Bi'annahum Karihū Mā 'Anzala Allāhu Fa'aĥbaţa 'A`mālahum (Muĥammad: 9). 047.009 That is because they hate the Revelation of God; so He has made their deeds fruitless. ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ‍‍هُمْ كَ‍‍رِهُوا مَ‍‍ا أَ‌ن‍‍زَلَ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ فَأَحْبَ‍‍‍‍طَ ‌أَعْمَالَهُمْ
'Afalam Yasīrū Fī Al-'Arđi Fayanžurū Kayfa Kāna `Āqibatu Al-Ladhīna Min Qablihim ۚ Dammara Allāhu `Alayhim ۖ Wa Lilkāfirīna 'Amthāluhā (Muĥammad: 10). 047.010 Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the End of those before them (who did evil)? God brought utter destruction on them, and similar (fates await) those who reject God. أَفَلَمْ يَسِيرُ‌وا فِي ‌الأَ‌رْ‍‍ضِ فَيَ‍‌‍ن‍‍ظُ‍‍رُ‌وا كَ‍‍يْ‍‍فَ ك‍‍َانَ عَاقِ‍‍بَةُ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ قَ‍‍بْ‍‍لِهِمْ ۚ ‌دَمَّ‍‍‍رَ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ عَلَيْهِمْ ۖ ‌وَلِلْكَافِ‍‍ر‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌أَمْثَالُهَا
Dhālika Bi'anna Allāha Mawlá Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa 'Anna Al-Kāfirīna Lā Mawlá Lahum (Muĥammad: 11). 047.011 That is because God is the Protector of those who believe, but those who reject God have no protector. ذَلِكَ بِأَنّ‌َ ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ مَوْلَى‌ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُوا ‌وَ‌أَنّ‌َ ‌الْكَافِ‍‍ر‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ لاَ‌ مَوْلَى‌ لَهُمْ
'Inna Allāha Yudkhilu Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Jannātin Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'Anhāru ۖ Wa Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Yatamatta`ūna Wa Ya'kulūna Kamā Ta'kulu Al-'An`ām Wa An-Nāru Mathwan Lahum (Muĥammad: 12). 047.012 Verily God will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which rivers flow; while those who reject God will enjoy (this world) and eat as cattle eat; and the Fire will be their abode. إِنّ‌َ ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ يُ‍‍دْ‍‍‍‍خِ‍‍لُ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُوا ‌وَعَمِلُوا ‌ال‍‍صَّ‍‍الِح‍‍َاتِ جَ‍‍نّ‍‍َاتٍ تَ‍‍جْ‍‍رِي مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ تَحْتِهَا‌ ‌الأَ‌نْ‍‍ه‍‍َا‌رُ‌ ۖ ‌وَ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا يَتَمَتَّع‍‍ُ‍ونَ ‌وَيَأْكُل‍‍ُ‍ونَ كَمَا‌ تَأْكُلُ ‌الأَنعَام ‌وَ‌ال‍‍نّ‍‍َا‌رُ‌ مَثْو‌ىً لَهُمْ
Wa Ka'ayyin Min Qaryatin Hiya 'Ashaddu Qūwatan Min Qaryatika Allatī 'Akhrajatka 'Ahlaknāhum Falā Nāşira Lahum (Muĥammad: 13). 047.013 And how many cities, with more power than thy city which has driven thee out, have We destroyed (for their sins)? and there was none to aid them. وَكَأَيِّ‍‌‍ن‌ْ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ قَ‍‍رْيَةٍ هِيَ ‌أَشَدُّ‌ قُ‍‍وَّةً مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ قَ‍‍رْيَتِكَ ‌الَّتِ‍‍ي ‌أَ‍خْ‍رَجَتْكَ ‌أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ فَلاَ‌ نَاصِ‍‍رَ لَهُمْ
'Afaman Kāna `Alá Bayyinatin Min Rabbihi Kaman Zuyyina Lahu Sū'u `Amalihi Wa Attaba`ū 'Ahwā'ahum (Muĥammad: 14). 047.014 Is then one who is on a clear (Path) from his Lord, no better than one to whom the evil of his conduct seems pleasing, and such as follow their own lusts? أَفَمَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ ك‍‍َانَ عَلَى‌ بَيِّنَةٍ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ ‌‍‍‍رَبِّهِ كَمَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ ‌زُيِّنَ لَهُ س‍‍ُ‍و‌ءُ‌ عَمَلِهِ ‌وَ‌اتَّبَعُ‍‍وا ‌أَهْو‍َ‌اءَهُمْ
Mathalu Al-Jannati Allatī Wu`ida Al-Muttaqūna ۖ Fīhā 'Anhārun Min Mā'in Ghayri 'Āsinin Wa 'Anhārun Min Labanin Lam Yataghayyar Ţa`muhu Wa 'Anhārun Min Khamrin Ladhdhatin Lilshshāribīna Wa 'Anhārun Min `Asalin Muşaffan ۖ Wa Lahum Fīhā Min Kulli Ath-Thamarāti Wa Maghfiratun Min Rabbihim ۖ Kaman Huwa Khālidun An-Nāri Wa Suqū Mā'an Ĥamīmāan Faqaţţa`a 'Am`ā'ahum (Muĥammad: 15). 047.015 (Here is) a Parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits; and Grace from their Lord. (Can those in such Bliss) be compared to such as shall dwell for ever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels (to pieces)? مَثَلُ ‌الْجَ‍‍نَّ‍‍ةِ ‌الَّتِي ‌وُعِدَ ‌الْمُتَّ‍‍‍‍قُ‍‍ونَ ۖ فِيهَ‍‍ا أَ‌نْ‍‍ه‍‍َا‌رٌ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ م‍‍َا‌ءٍ‌ غَ‍‍يْ‍‍رِ ‌آسِنٍ ‌وَ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍ه‍‍َا‌رٌ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ لَبَنٍ لَمْ يَتَ‍‍غَ‍‍يَّرْ‌ طَ‍‍عْمُهُ ‌وَ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍ه‍‍َا‌رٌ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ خَ‍‍مْر‌ٍ لَذَّةٍ لِلشَّا‌رِب‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌وَ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍ه‍‍َا‌رٌ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ عَسَلٍ مُ‍‍صَ‍‍فّىً ۖ ‌وَلَهُمْ فِيهَا‌ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ كُلِّ ‌ال‍‍ثَّمَ‍رَ‍‌اتِ ‌وَمَ‍‍غْ‍‍فِ‍رَةٌ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ ‌‍رَبِّهِمْ ۖ كَمَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ هُوَ خَ‍‍الِدٌ فِي ‌ال‍‍نّ‍‍َا‌رِ ‌وَسُ‍‍قُ‍‍وا م‍‍َا‌ءً‌ حَمِيماً فَ‍‍قَ‍‍طَّ‍‍عَ ‌أَمْع‍‍َا‌ءَهُمْ
Wa Minhum Man Yastami`u 'Ilayka Ĥattá 'Idhā Kharajū Min `Indika Qālū Lilladhīna 'Ūtū Al-`Ilma Mādhā Qāla 'Ānifāan ۚ 'Ūlā'ika Al-Ladhīna Ţaba`a Allāhu `Alá Qulūbihim Wa Attaba`ū 'Ahwā'ahum (Muĥammad: 16). 047.016 And among them are men who listen to thee, but in the end, when they go out from thee, they say to those who have received Knowledge, "What is it he said just then?" Such are men whose hearts God has sealed, and who follow their own lusts. وَمِ‍‌‍نْ‍‍هُمْ مَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يَسْتَمِعُ ‌إِلَ‍‍يْ‍‍كَ حَتَّ‍‍ى إِ‌ذَ‌ا‌ خَ‍رَجُوا مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ عِ‍‌‍نْ‍‍دِكَ قَ‍‍الُوا لِلَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌أ‍ُ‍‌وتُوا ‌الْعِلْمَ مَا‌ذَ‌ا‌ قَ‍الَ ‌آنِفاً‌ ۚ ‌أ‍ُ‍‌وْل‍‍َائِكَ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ طَ‍‍بَعَ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ عَلَى‌ قُ‍‍لُوبِهِمْ ‌وَ‌اتَّبَعُ‍‍وا ‌أَهْو‍َ‌اءَهُمْ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Ahtadawā Zādahum Hudan Wa 'Ātāhum Taqwhum (Muĥammad: 17). 047.017 But to those who receive Guidance, He increases the (light of) Guidance, and bestows on them their Piety and Restraint (from evil). وَ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌اهْتَدَ‌وْ‌ا زَ‌ا‌دَهُمْ هُ‍‍د‌ىً ‌وَ‌آتَاهُمْ تَ‍‍‍‍‍قْ‍‍‍‍و‌اهُمْ
Fahal Yanžurūna 'Illā As-Sā`ata 'An Ta'tiyahum Baghtatan ۖ Faqad Jā'a 'Ashţuhā ۚ Fa'anná Lahum 'Idhā Jā'at/hum Dhikhum (Muĥammad: 18). 047.018 Do they then only wait for the Hour,- that it should come on them of a sudden? But already have come some tokens thereof, and when it (actually) is on them, how can they benefit then by their admonition? فَهَلْ يَ‍‌‍نْ‍‍‍‍‍‍ظُ‍‍ر‍ُ‍‌ونَ ‌إِلاَّ ‌ال‍‍سَّاعَةَ ‌أَ‌ن‌ْ تَأْتِيَهُمْ بَ‍‍غْ‍‍تَةً ۖ فَ‍‍قَ‍‍دْ‌ ج‍‍َا‌ءَ أَشْ‍رَ‌اطُ‍‍هَا‌ ۚ فَأَنَّ‍‍ى‌ لَهُمْ ‌إِ‌ذَ‌ا‌ ج‍‍َا‌ءَتْهُمْ ‌ذِكْ‍رَ‌اهُمْ
Fā`lam 'Annahu Lā 'Ilāha 'Illā Al-Lahu Wa Astaghfir Lidhanbika Wa Lilmu'uminīna Wa Al-Mu'umināti ۗ Wa Allāhu Ya`lamu Mutaqallabakum Wa Mathwākum (Muĥammad: 19). 047.019 Know, therefore, that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness for thy fault, and for the men and women who believe: for God knows how ye move about and how ye dwell in your homes. فَاعْلَمْ ‌أَنَّ‍‍هُ لاَ إِلَهَ ‌إِلاَّ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ ‌وَ‌اسْتَ‍‍‍‍غْ‍‍فِ‍‍ر‌ْ‌ لِذَ‌نْ‍‍بِكَ ‌وَلِلْمُؤْمِن‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌وَ‌الْمُؤْمِن‍‍َاتِ ۗ ‌وَ‌اللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مُتَ‍‍قَ‍‍لَّبَكُمْ ‌وَمَثْوَ‌اكُمْ
Wa Yaqūlu Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Lawlā Nuzzilat Sūratun ۖ Fa'idhā 'Unzilat Sūratun Muĥkamatun Wa Dhukira Fīhā Al-Qitālu ۙ Ra'ayta Al-Ladhīna Fī Qulūbihim Marađun Yanžurūna 'Ilayka Nažara Al-Maghshīyi `Alayhi Mina Al-Mawti ۖ Fa'awlá Lahum (Muĥammad: 20). 047.020 Those who believe say, "Why is not a sura sent down (for us)?" But when a sura of basic or categorical meaning is revealed, and fighting is mentioned therein, thou wilt see those in whose hearts is a disease looking at thee with a look of one in swoon at the approach of death. But more fitting for them- وَيَ‍‍قُ‍‍ولُ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُوا لَوْلاَ‌ نُزِّلَتْ سُو‌‍رَةٌ ۖ فَإِ‌ذَ‌ا أُ‌ن‍‍زِلَتْ سُو‌‍رَةٌ مُحْكَمَةٌ ‌وَ‌ذُكِ‍‍رَ فِيهَا‌ ‌الْ‍‍قِ‍‍ت‍‍َالُ ۙ ‌‍رَ‌أَيْ‍‍تَ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ فِي قُ‍‍لُوبِهِمْ مَ‍رَض‍ٌ يَ‍‌‍ن‍‍ظُ‍‍ر‍ُ‍‌ونَ ‌إِلَ‍‍يْ‍‍كَ نَ‍‍ظَ‍رَ‌الْمَ‍‍غْ‍‍شِيِّ عَلَ‍‍يْ‍‍هِ مِنَ ‌الْمَ‍‍وْتِ ۖ فَأَ‌وْلَى‌ لَهُمْ
Ţā`atun Wa Qawlun Ma`rūfun ۚ Fa'idhā `Azama Al-'Amru Falaw Şadaqū Allaha Lakāna Khayan Lahum (Muĥammad: 21). 047.021 Were it to obey and say what is just, and when a matter is resolved on, it were best for them if they were true to God. طَ‍‍اعَةٌ ‌وَقَ‍‍وْلٌ مَعْر‍ُ‍‌وفٌ ۚ فَإِ‌ذَ‌ا‌ عَزَمَ ‌الأَمْرُ‌ فَلَوْ‌ صَ‍‍دَقُ‍‍وا ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ لَك‍‍َانَ خَ‍‍يْر‌اً لَهُمْ
Fahal `Asaytum 'In Tawallaytum 'An Tufsidū Fī Al-'Arđi Wa Tuqaţţi`ū 'Arĥāmakum (Muĥammad: 22). 047.022 Then, is it to be expected of you, if ye were put in authority, that ye will do mischief in the land, and break your ties of kith and kin? فَهَلْ عَسَيْتُمْ ‌إِ‌ن‌ْ تَوَلَّيْتُمْ ‌أَ‌ن‌ْ تُفْسِدُ‌وا فِي ‌الأَ‌رْ‍‍ضِ ‌وَتُ‍‍قَ‍‍طِّ‍‍عُ‍‍وا ‌أَ‌رْحَامَكُمْ
'Ūlā'ika Al-Ladhīna La`anahumu Allāhu Fa'aşammahum Wa 'A`má 'Abşārahum (Muĥammad: 23). 047.023 Such are the men whom God has cursed for He has made them deaf and blinded their sight. أ‍ُ‍‌وْل‍‍َائِكَ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ لَعَنَهُمُ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ فَأَ‍‍صَ‍‍مَّ‍‍هُمْ ‌وَ‌أَعْمَ‍‍ى أَبْ‍‍‍‍صَ‍‍ا‌‍رَهُمْ
'Afalā Yatadabbarūna Al-Qur'āna 'Am `Alá Qulūbin 'Aqfāluhā (Muĥammad: 24). 047.024 Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up by them? أَفَلاَ‌ يَتَدَبَّر‍ُ‍‌ونَ ‌الْ‍‍‍‍قُ‍‍رْ‌آنَ ‌أَمْ عَلَى‌ قُ‍‍ل‍‍ُ‍وبٍ ‌أَ‍قْ‍‍‍‍فَالُهَا
'Inna Al-Ladhīna Artaddū `Alá 'Adrihim Min Ba`di Mā Tabayyana Lahumu Al-Hudá ۙ Ash-Shayţānu Sawwala Lahum Wa 'Amlá Lahum (Muĥammad: 25). 047.025 Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them,- the Evil One has instigated them and busied them up with false hopes. إِنّ‌َ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌ا‌رْتَدُّ‌وا عَلَ‍‍ى أَ‌دْبَا‌رِهِمْ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ بَعْدِ‌ مَا‌ تَبَيَّنَ لَهُمُ ‌الْهُدَ‌ى‌ ۙ ‌ال‍‍شَّيْ‍‍‍‍طَ‍انُ سَوَّلَ لَهُمْ ‌وَ‌أَمْلَى‌ لَهُمْ
Dhālika Bi'annahum Qālū Lilladhīna Karihū Mā Nazzala Allāhu Sanuţī`ukum Fī Ba`đi Al-'Amri ۖ Wa Allāhu Ya`lamu 'Israhum (Muĥammad: 26). 047.026 This, because they said to those who hate what God has revealed, "We will obey you in part of (this) matter"; but God knows their (inner) secrets. ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ‍‍هُمْ قَ‍‍الُوا لِلَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَ‍‍رِهُوا مَا‌ نَزَّلَ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ سَنُ‍‍طِ‍‍يعُكُمْ فِي بَعْ‍‍ضِ ‌الأَمْ‍‍رِ ۖ ‌وَ‌اللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ ‌إِسْ‍رَ‌ا‌‍رَهُمْ
Fakayfa 'Idhā Tawaffat/humu Al-Malā'ikatu Yađribūna Wujūhahum Wa 'Adrahum (Muĥammad: 27). 047.027 But how (will it be) when the angels take their souls at death, and smite their faces and their backs? فَكَ‍‍يْ‍‍فَ ‌إِ‌ذَ‌ا‌ تَوَفَّتْهُمُ ‌الْمَلاَئِكَةُ يَ‍‍‍‍ضْ‍‍رِب‍‍ُ‍ونَ ‌وُجُوهَهُمْ ‌وَ‌أَ‌دْبَا‌‍رَهُمْ
Dhālika Bi'annahumu Attaba`ū Mā 'Askhaţa Allāha Wa Karihū Riđwānahu Fa'aĥbaţa 'A`mālahum (Muĥammad: 28). 047.028 This because they followed that which called forth the Wrath of God, and they hated God's good pleasure; so He made their deeds of no effect. ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ‍‍هُمُ ‌اتَّبَعُوا مَ‍‍ا أَسْ‍‍‍‍خَ‍‍طَ ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ ‌وَكَ‍‍رِهُوا ‌رِ‍ضْ‍‍وَ‌انَهُ فَأَحْبَ‍‍طَ ‌أَعْمَالَهُمْ
'Am Ĥasiba Al-Ladhīna Fī Qulūbihim Marađun 'An Lan Yukhrija Allāhu 'Ađghānahum (Muĥammad: 29). 047.029 Or do those in whose hearts is a disease, think that God will not bring to light all their rancour? أَمْ حَسِبَ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ فِي قُ‍‍لُوبِهِمْ مَ‍رَضٌ ‌أَ‌ن‌ْ لَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يُ‍‍خْ‍‍رِجَ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ ‌أَ‍ضْ‍‍غَ‍‍انَهُمْ
Wa Law Nashā'u La'araynākahum Fala`araftahum Bisīmāhum ۚ Wa Lata`rifannahum Fī Laĥni Al-Qawli ۚ Wa Allāhu Ya`lamu 'A`mālakum (Muĥammad: 30). 047.030 Had We so wiled, We could have shown them up to thee, and thou shouldst have known them by their marks: but surely thou wilt know them by the tone of their speech! And God knows all that ye do. وَلَوْ‌ نَش‍‍َا‌ءُ‌ لَأَ‌‍‍‍رَيْنَاكَهُمْ فَلَعَ‍رَفْتَهُمْ بِسِيمَاهُمْ ۚ ‌وَلَتَعْ‍‍رِفَ‍‍نَّ‍‍هُمْ فِي لَحْنِ ‌الْ‍‍قَ‍‍وْلِ ۚ ‌وَ‌اللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ ‌أَعْمَالَكُمْ
Wa Lanabluwannakum Ĥattá Na`lama Al-Mujāhidīna Minkum Wa Aş-Şābirīna Wa Nabluwa 'Akhrakum (Muĥammad: 31). 047.031 And We shall try you until We test those among you who strive their utmost and persevere in patience; and We shall try your reported (mettle). وَلَنَ‍‍بْ‍‍لُوَنَّ‍‍كُمْ حَتَّى‌ نَعْلَمَ ‌الْمُجَاهِد‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ مِ‍‌‍نْ‍‍كُمْ ‌وَ‌ال‍‍‍‍‍صَّ‍‍ابِ‍‍ر‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌وَنَ‍‍بْ‍‍لُوَ أَ‍خْ‍‍بَا‌‍رَكُمْ
'Inna Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Wa Şaddū `An Sabīli Allāhi Wa Shāqqū Ar-Rasūla Min Ba`di Mā Tabayyana Lahumu Al-Hudá Lan Yađurrū Allaha Shay'āan Wa Sayuĥbiţu 'A`mālahum (Muĥammad: 32). 047.032 Those who reject God, hinder (men) from the Path of God, and resist the Apostle, after Guidance has been clearly shown to them, will not injure God in the least, but He will make their deeds of no effect. إِنّ‌َ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا ‌وَ‍‍صَ‍‍دُّ‌وا عَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ سَب‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍لِ ‌اللَّ‍‍هِ ‌وَش‍‍َاقُّ‍‍وا ‌ال‍رَّس‍‍ُ‍ولَ مِ‍‌‍ن‌ْ بَعْدِ‌ مَا‌ تَبَيَّنَ لَهُمُ ‌الهُدَ‌ى‌ لَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يَ‍‍ضُ‍‍رُّ‌وا ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ شَ‍‍يْ‍‍ئاً ‌وَسَيُحْبِ‍‍طُ ‌أَعْمَالَهُمْ
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū 'Aţī`ū Allaha Wa 'Aţī`ū Ar-Rasūla Wa Lā Tubţilū 'A`mālakum (Muĥammad: 33). 047.033 O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the apostle, and make not vain your deeds! ي‍‍َا‌أَيُّهَا‌ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ ‌آمَنُ‍‍وا ‌أَ‍‍طِ‍‍يعُوا ‌اللَّ‍‍هَ ‌وَ‌أَطِ‍‍يعُوا ‌ال‍رَّس‍‍ُ‍ولَ ‌وَلاَ‌ تُ‍‍بْ‍‍‍‍طِ‍‍لُ‍‍وا ‌أَعْمَالَكُمْ
'Inna Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Wa Şaddū `An Sabīli Allāhi Thumma Mātū Wa Hum Kuffārun Falan Yaghfira Allāhu Lahum (Muĥammad: 34). 047.034 Those who reject God, and hinder (men) from the Path of God, then die rejecting God,- God will not forgive them. إِنّ‌َ ‌الَّذ‍ِ‍ي‍‍نَ كَفَرُ‌وا ‌وَ‍‍صَ‍‍دُّ‌وا عَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ سَب‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍لِ ‌اللَّ‍‍هِ ثُ‍‍مّ‌َ مَاتُوا ‌وَهُمْ كُفّ‍‍َا‌رٌ فَلَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يَ‍‍غْ‍‍فِ‍‍رَ ‌اللَّ‍‍هُ لَهُمْ
Falā Tahinū Wa Tad`ū 'Ilá As-Salmi Wa 'Antumu Al-'A`lawna Wa Allāhu Ma`akum Wa Lan Yatirakum 'A`mālakum (Muĥammad: 35). 047.035 Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for God is with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds. فَلاَ‌ تَهِنُوا ‌وَتَ‍‍دْعُ‍‍وا ‌إِلَى‌ ‌ال‍‍سَّلْمِ ‌وَ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍تُمُ ‌الأَعْلَ‍‍وْنَ ‌وَ‌اللَّهُ مَعَكُمْ ‌وَلَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يَتِ‍‍‍رَكُمْ ‌أَعْمَالَكُمْ
'Innamā Al-Ĥayāatu Ad-Dunyā La`ibun Wa Lahwun ۚ Wa 'In Tu'uminū Wa Tattaqū Yu'utikum 'Ujūrakum Wa Lā Yas'alkum 'Amwālakum (Muĥammad: 36). 047.036 The life of this world is but play and amusement: and if ye believe and guard against Evil, He will grant you your recompense, and will not ask you (to give up) your possessions. إِنَّ‍‍مَا‌ ‌الحَي‍‍َاةُ ‌ال‍‍دُّ‌نْ‍‍يَا‌ لَعِبٌ ‌وَلَهْوٌ ۚ ‌وَ‌إِ‌ن‌ْ تُؤْمِنُوا ‌وَتَتَّ‍‍‍‍قُ‍‍وا يُؤْتِكُمْ ‌أُجُو‌‍رَكُمْ ‌وَلاَ‌ يَسْأَلْكُمْ ‌أَمْوَ‌الَكُمْ
'In Yas'alkumūhā Fayuĥfikum Tabkhalū Wa Yukhrij 'Ađghānakum (Muĥammad: 37). 047.037 If He were to ask you for all of them, and press you, ye would covetously withhold, and He would bring out all your ill-feeling. إِ‌ن‌ْ يَسْأَلْكُمُوهَا‌ فَيُحْفِكُمْ تَ‍‍بْ‍‍‍‍‍‍خَ‍‍لُوا ‌وَيُ‍‍خْ‍‍رِج‌ْ ‌أَ‍ضْ‍‍غَ‍‍انَكُمْ
Hā'antum Hā'uulā' Tud`awna Litunfiqū Fī Sabīli Allāhi Faminkum Man Yabkhalu Wa Man ۖ Yabkhal Fa'innamā Yabkhalu `An Nafsihi Wa Allāhu ۚ Al-Ghanīyu Wa 'Antumu Al-Fuqarā'u ۚ Wa 'In Tatawallawā Yastabdil Qawmāan Ghayrakum Thumma Lā Yakūnū 'Amthālakum (Muĥammad: 38). 047.038 Behold, ye are those invited to spend (of your substance) in the Way of God: But among you are some that are niggardly. But any who are niggardly are so at the expense of their own souls. But God is free of all wants, and it is ye that are needy. If ye turn back (from the Path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you! ه‍‍َا‌أَ‌نْ‍‍تُمْ ه‍‍َا‌ؤُلاَ‌ء‌ تُ‍‍دْعَ‍‍وْنَ لِتُ‍‌‍ن‍‍فِ‍‍‍‍قُ‍‍وا فِي سَب‍‍ِ‍ي‍‍لِ ‌اللَّ‍‍هِ فَمِ‍‌‍نْ‍‍كُمْ مَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يَ‍‍بْ‍‍‍‍خَ‍‍لُ ۖ ‌وَمَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ يَ‍‍بْ‍‍‍‍خَ‍‍لْ فَإِنَّ‍‍مَا‌ يَ‍‍بْ‍‍‍‍خَ‍‍لُ عَ‍‌‍ن‌ْ نَفْسِهِ ۚ ‌وَ‌اللَّهُ ‌الْ‍‍غَ‍‍نِيُّ ‌وَ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍تُمُ ‌الْفُ‍‍قَ‍‍ر‍َ‌اءُ‌ ۚ ‌وَ‌إِ‌ن‌ْ تَتَوَلَّوْ‌ا‌ يَسْتَ‍‍بْ‍‍دِلْ قَ‍‍وْماً‌ غَ‍‍يْ‍رَكُمْ ثُ‍‍مّ‌َ لاَ‌ يَكُونُ‍‍وا ‌أَمْثَالَكُمْ
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