74) Sūrat Al-Muddaththir

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74) سُورَة المُدَّثِّر

Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Muddaththiru 074-001. O you who are clothed! يَاأَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ
Qum Fa'andhir 074-002. Arise and warn, قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ
Wa Rabbaka Fakabbir 074-003. And your Lord do magnify, وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ
Wa Thiyābaka Faţahhir 074-004. And your garments do purify, وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ
Wa Ar-Rujza Fāhjur 074-005. And uncleanness do shun, وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ
Wa Lā Tamnun Tastakthiru 074-006. And bestow not favors that you may receive again with increase, وَلاَ تَمْنُنْ تَسْتَكْثِرُ
Wa Lirabbika Fāşbir 074-007. And for the sake of your Lord, be patient. وَلِرَبِّكَ فَاصْبِرْ
Fa'idhā Nuqira Fī An-Nāqūri 074-008. For when the trumpet is sounded, فَإِذَا نُقِرَ فِي النَّاقُورِ
Fadhālika Yawma'idhin Yawmun `Asīrun 074-009. That, at that time, shall be a difficult day, فَذَلِكَ يَوْمَئِذ ٍ يَوْمٌ عَسِير ٌ
`Alá Al-Kāfirīna Ghayru Yasīrin 074-010. For the unbelievers, anything but easy. عَلَى الْكَافِرِينَ غَيْرُ يَسِير ٍ
Dharnī Wa Man Khalaqtu Waĥīdāan 074-011. Leave Me and him whom I created alone, ذَرْنِي وَمَنْ خَلَقْتُ وَحِيدا ً
Wa Ja`altu Lahu Mālāan Mamdūdāan 074-012. And give him vast riches, وَجَعَلْتُ لَه ُُ مَالا ً مَمْدُودا ً
Wa Banīna Shuhūdāan 074-013. And sons dwelling in his presence, وَبَنِينَ شُهُودا ً
Wa Mahhadtu Lahu Tamhīdāan 074-014. And I adjusted affairs for him adjustably; وَمَهَّدْتُ لَه ُُ تَمْهِيدا ً
Thumma Yaţma`u 'An 'Azīda 074-015. And yet he desires that I should add more! ثُمَّ يَطْمَعُ أَنْ أَزِيدَ
Kallā 'Innahu Kāna Li'yātinā `Anīdāan 074-016. By no means! surely he offers opposition to Our communications. كَلاَّ إِنَّه ُُ كَانَ لِأيَاتِنَا عَنِيدا ً
Sa'urhiquhu Şa`ūdāan 074-017. 1 will make a distressing punishment overtake him. سَأُرْهِقُه ُُ صَعُودا ً
'Innahu Fakkara Wa Qaddara 074-018. Surely he reflected and guessed, إِنَّه ُُ فَكَّرَ وَقَدَّرَ
Faqutila Kayfa Qaddara 074-019. But may he be cursed how he plotted; فَقُتِلَ كَيْفَ قَدَّرَ
Thumma Qutila Kayfa Qaddara 074-020. Again, may he be cursed how he plotted; ثُمَّ قُتِلَ كَيْفَ قَدَّرَ
Thumma Nažara 074-021. Then he looked, ثُمَّ نَظَرَ
Thumma `Abasa Wa Basara 074-022. Then he frowned and scowled, ثُمَّ عَبَسَ وَبَسَرَ
Thumma 'Adbara Wa Astakbara 074-023. Then he turned back and was big with pride, ثُمَّ أَدْبَرَ وَاسْتَكْبَرَ
Faqāla 'In Hādhā 'Illā Siĥrun Yu'utharu 074-024. ~Then he said: This is naught but enchantment, narrated (from others); فَقَالَ إِنْ هَذَا إِلاَّ سِحْر ٌ يُؤْثَرُ
'In Hādhā 'Illā Qawlu Al-Bashari 074-025. This is naught but the word of a mortal. إِنْ هَذَا إِلاَّ قَوْلُ الْبَشَرِ
Sa'uşlīhi Saqara 074-026. 1 will cast him into hell. سَأُصْلِيه ِِ سَقَرَ
Wa Mā 'Adrāka Mā Saqaru 074-027. And what will make you realize what hell is? وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا سَقَرُ
Lā Tubqī Wa Lā Tadharu 074-028. It leaves naught nor does it spare aught. لاَ تُبْقِي وَلاَ تَذَرُ
Lawwāĥatun Lilbashari 074-029. It scorches the mortal. لَوَّاحَة ٌ لِلْبَشَرِ
`Alayhā Tis`ata `Ashara 074-030. Over it are nineteen. عَلَيْهَا تِسْعَةَ عَشَرَ
Wa Mā Ja`alnā 'Aşĥāba An-Nāri 'Illā Malā'ikatan Wa Mā Ja`alnā `Iddatahum 'Illā Fitnatan Lilladhīna Kafarū Liyastayqina Al-Ladhīna 'Ū Al-Kitāba Wa Yazdāda Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū 'Īmānāan Wa Lā Yartāba Al-Ladhīna 'Ū Al-Kitāba Wa Al-Mu'uminūna Wa Liyaqūla Al-Ladhīna Fī Qulūbihim Marađun Wa Al-Kāfirūna Mādhā 'Arāda Allāhu Bihadhā Mathalāan Kadhālika Yuđillu Allāhu Man Yashā'u Wa Yahdī Man Yashā'u Wa Mā Ya`lamu Junūda Rabbika 'Illā Huwa Wa Mā Hiya 'Illā Dhikrá Lilbashari 074-031. And We have not made the wardens of the fire others than angels, and We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the book may be certain and those who believe may increase in faith, and those who have been given the book and the believers may not doubt, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the unbelievers may say: What does Allah mean by this parable? Thus does Allah make err whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases, and none knows the hosts of your Lord but He Himself; and this is naught but a reminder to the mortals. وَمَا جَعَلْنَا أَصْحَابَ النَّارِ إِلاَّ مَلاَئِكَة ً وَمَا جَعَلْنَا عِدَّتَهُمْ إِلاَّ فِتْنَة ً لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِيَسْتَيْقِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ وَيَزْدَادَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِيمَانا ً وَلاَ يَرْتَابَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَلِيَقُولَ الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ مَرَض ٌ وَالْكَافِرُونَ مَاذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِهَذَا مَثَلا ً كَذَلِكَ يُضِلُّ اللَّهُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَمَا يَعْلَمُ جُنُودَ رَبِّكَ إِلاَّ هُوَ وَمَا هِيَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرَى لِلْبَشَرِ
Kallā Wa Al-Qamari 074-032. Nay; I swear by the moon, كَلاَّ وَالْقَمَرِ
Wa Al-Layli 'Idh 'Adbara 074-033. And the night when it departs, وَاللَّيْلِ إِذْ أَدْبَرَ
Wa Aş-Şubĥi 'Idhā 'Asfara 074-034. And the daybreak when it shines; وَالصُّبْحِ إِذَا أَسْفَرَ
'Innahā La'iĥdá Al-Kubari 074-035. Surely it (hell) is one of the gravest (misfortunes), إِنَّهَا لَإِحْدَى الْكُبَرِ
Nadhīrāan Lilbashari 074-036. A warning to mortals, نَذِيرا ً لِلْبَشَرِ
Liman Shā'a Minkum 'An Yataqaddama 'Aw Yata'akhkhara 074-037. To him among you who wishes to go forward or remain behind. لِمَنْ شَاءَ مِنْكُمْ أَنْ يَتَقَدَّمَ أَوْ يَتَأَخَّرَ
Kullu Nafsin Bimā Kasabat Rahīnahun 074-038. Every soul is held in pledge for what it earns, كُلُّ نَفْس ٍ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ رَهِينَة ٌ
'Illā 'Aşĥāba Al-Yamīni 074-039. Except the people of the right hand, إِلاَّ أَصْحَابَ الْيَمِينِ
Fī Jannātin Yatasā'alūna 074-040. In gardens, they shall ask each other فِي جَنَّات ٍ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ
`Ani Al-Mujrimīna 074-041. About the guilty: عَنِ الْمُجْرِمِينَ
Mā Salakakum Fī Saqara 074-042. What has brought you into hell? مَا سَلَكَكُمْ فِي سَقَرَ
Qālū Lam Naku Mina Al-Muşallīna 074-043. They shall say: We were not of those who prayed; قَالُوا لَمْ نَكُ مِنَ الْمُصَلِّينَ
Wa Lam Naku Nuţ`imu Al-Miskīna 074-044. And we used not to feed the poor; وَلَمْ نَكُ نُطْعِمُ الْمِسْكِينَ
Wa Kunnā Nakhūđu Ma`a Al-Khā'iđīna 074-045. And we used to enter into vain discourse with those who entered into vain discourses. وَكُنَّا نَخُوضُ مَعَ الْخَائِضِينَ
Wa Kunnā Nukadhdhibu Biyawmi Ad-Dīni 074-046. And we used to call the day of judgment a lie; وَكُنَّا نُكَذِّبُ بِيَوْمِ الدِّينِ
Ĥattá 'Atānā Al-Yaqīnu 074-047. Till death overtook us. حَتَّى أَتَانَا الْيَقِينُ
Famā Tanfa`uhum Shafā`atu Ash-Shāfi`īna 074-048. So the intercession of intercessors shall not avail them. فَمَا تَنْفَعُهُمْ شَفَاعَةُ الشَّافِعِينَ
Famā Lahum `Ani At-Tadhkirati Mu`rīna 074-049. What is then the matter with them, that they turn away from the admonition فَمَا لَهُمْ عَنِ التَّذْكِرَةِ مُعْرِضِينَ
Ka'annahum Ĥumurun Mustanfirahun 074-050. As if they were asses taking fright كَأَنَّهُمْ حُمُر ٌ مُسْتَنْفِرَة ٌ
Farrat Min Qaswarahin 074-051. That had fled from a lion? فَرَّتْ مِنْ قَسْوَرَة ٍ
Bal Yurīdu Kullu Amri'in Minhum 'An Yu'utá Şuĥufāan Munashsharahan 074-052. Nay; every one of them desires that he may be given pages spread out; بَلْ يُرِيدُ كُلُّ امْرِئ ٍ مِنْهُمْ أَنْ يُؤْتَى صُحُفا ً مُنَشَّرَة ً
Kallā Bal Lā Yakhāfūna Al-'Ākhiraha 074-053. Nay! but they do not fear the hereafter. كَلاَّ بَلْ لاَ يَخَافُونَ الآخِرَةَ
Kallā 'Innahu Tadhkirahun 074-054. Nay! it is surely an admonition. كَلاَّ إِنَّه ُُ تَذْكِرَة ٌ
Faman Shā'a Dhakarahu 074-055. So whoever pleases may mind it. فَمَنْ شَاءَ ذَكَرَهُ
Wa Mā Yadhkurūna 'Illā 'An Yashā'a Allāhu Huwa 'Ahlu At-Taqwá Wa 'Ahlu Al-Maghfirahi 074-056. And they will not mind unless Allah please. He is worthy to be feared and worthy to forgive. وَمَا يَذْكُرُونَ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ هُوَ أَهْلُ التَّقْوَى وَأَهْلُ الْمَغْفِرَةِ